Diario of Tommaso Corvi Mora

Tommaso Corvi Mora’s solo exhibition is coming soon in an exhibition spread between Savona and Albisola

Diario by Tommaso Corvi Mora  is a widespread exhibition hosted by the Savona Ceramics Museum, by the Lavanderia in Albissola Marina – headquarters of the Angelo Ruga cultural association, leader of the initiative -, by the Jorn House Museum and by the Fornace Alba Docilia, headquarters of the MuDA – Albisola Diffuso Museum.

Tommaso Corvi Mora_Diario_Ph. Federica Delprino e Omar Tonella

The project was born in 2021 from an idea by Irene Biolchini, Luca Bochicchio and Corvi Mora himself, and investigates the artist’s practice in his intimate and daily universe through the expressive means of drawing, fabric and ceramics, which Corvi Mora has been working since 2009.

Diario presents works created during the residencies held in the last two years within the Albisola factories Ceramiche San Giorgio and Studio Ernan Design. The exhibition showcases, in the various locations, ceramic slabs with explicit references to the artist’s experience, everyday life and manual skills, some plates and a series of coat hangers – an object with a liminal position that welcomes and bids farewell – a tribute to the work by Luciano Fabro, and works dedicated to Albisola inspired by the graphics developed by Milton Glaser for the city of New York.

Tommaso Corvi Mora_Diario_Ph. Federica Delprino e Omar Tonella

Alongside them will be a series of weavings testifying to the genesis of the project: «I started working on this exhibition in January 2021 during the longest lockdown in the UK – explains Corvi Mora –, creating weavings on a small loom to hold in your lap . The abstract motifs represented in these works are linked to intimate narratives, memories and reflections stimulated by the repetition of the weaving gesture. As time passed, the link between this practice and ceramics, which is central to my work, became increasingly evident. What they have in common is simplicity, everyday life and the “non-artistic” nature of the final object».

The exhibition will also be enriched by some photographs taken in 1988 which develop the artist’s reflection on everyday life, on time conceived as the raw material of the work, on memory, on current events and on the relationship between the public and private spheres. Various ceramics will also be “entrusted to the city”: left in the streets of Albissola Marina, they will be available to those who want to welcome them to insert them into the flow of daily life.

It will be a season with the spotlight on London. The intimate and itinerant approach of Tommaso Corvi Mora’s work will alternate with the social and convivial vision of the ceramic art of Rochester Square: at the Savona Ceramics Museum, in the same period, the collective works designed by the artists of Rochester Square will be exhibited – Francesca Anfossi, Milan Tarascas, Ewelina Batkowska, Lyson Marchessault, Paulina Michnowska e Lex Franchi – during a summer school residency organized at the end of August 2023 by the curators and the museum educational service.

Info & timetables

Tommaso Corvi Mora

Lavanderia di Albissola Marina
Museo della Ceramica di Savona
Casa Museo Jorn e Fornace Alba Docilia (MuDA – Museo Diffuso Albisola)
28th October 2023 / 26th February 2024

Edited by Daniele Panucci
With critical contributions by Irene Biolchini e Luca Bochicchio
Promoter Associazione Angelo Ruga
Graphic and exhibition project gaggeroservente
Catalog I Quaderni della Lavanderia

Created by the Angelo Ruga Cultural Association in collaboration with Amici di Casa Jorn APS and the Savona Ceramics Museum, with the support of the Fondazione De Mari and the Municipality of Albissola Marina and with the patronage of the Fondazione Museo della Ceramica Onlus, the Municipality of Savona and the Municipality of Albissola Marina.

Museo della Ceramica di Savona 

via Aonzo 9, Savona

Monday 9.30 – 13.00
Friday and Saturday 9.30 – 13.00 e 15.30 – 18.30
Sunday 9.30 – 17.00

Tickets: full price 5 euros; reduced 3 euros; free under 18 and people with disabilities. Discover the reductions
Info: info@museodellaceramica.savona.it; +39 331 891 6650

Lavanderia – Art Gallery – Associazione Culturale Angelo Ruga
via Stefano Grosso 52, Albissola Marina

Thursday 21.00 – 23.00
Saturday 17.00 – 19.00

Free entrance

Antica Fornace Alba Docilia
Via Stefano Grosso 24, Albissola Marina

Thursday 17.00 – 19.00
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 – 12.00 / 17.00 – 19.00

Casa Museo Jorn
Via Gabriele d’Annunzio 6, Albissola Marina

Tuesday 9.00 – 12.00
Thursday 15.00 – 17.00
Saturday and Sunday 11.00 – 13.00 / 14.00 – 17.00

Opening Times

Friday and Saturday 9.30-13; 16.00-19.00
Sunday 9.30-17
Monday 9.30-13

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