The point of view, as the title suggests, is that of a wasp, more precisely of a sphecid wasp, or rather a particular species of insect that has the task of creating amazing nests in clay, true works of art that can be found in nature.
The new video installation by Simonetta Fadda, an artist born in Savona, professor at the Scuola Civica di Cinema e Televisione di Milano and at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, takes the visitor on a journey to discover the architectures of the sphecid wasp.
A new look that will allow the visitor to look closely at the nests and understand the insect’s point of view during the construction. At the same time, it will give the public the opportunity to discover these extraordinary works in clay, which take their final shape thanks to the care of the master ceramist Jorge Hernandez, who for years has collected nests of sphecid wasps, putting them in the furnace and arranging them over time.
Simonetta Fadda’s works will be part of the collection of contemporary ceramics works of the Museo della Ceramica di Savona: a project part of the profound artistic renovation of the Museum, headed up by the new director Tiziana Casapietra, who has worked for years in the world of international contemporary artistic research.