
(Italiano) Renato Guttuso “GOTT MIT UNS”

On the occasion of the exhibition, the ANED section of Savona-Imperia will present the book "Elementi Indesiderabili", Stories and memories of the transport which departed from Rome on 4 January 1944 with 326 anti-fascists, partisans and Jews with destination the Mautausen extermination camp. Inauguration Friday 20 January 2023 at 17.00 Free entry

(Italiano) Itinerari Rovereschi 30-31 dicembre / 1° gennaio 2023

On 30-31 December and 1 January promotional rate of € 2.00

(Italiano) Visita approfondimento sul tema “Natività” e “Adorazione dei Magi”

On 6 January, the day of the Epiphany, at 11.30 at the Pinacoteca Civica

(Italiano) Voci nell’Ombra-Festival Internazionale del Doppiaggio- 3 dicembre ore 17.00

The Civic Art Gallery of Savona and the Museo Della Ceramica host the twenty-third edition of the International Dubbing Festival, Saturday 3 December at 5.00 pm

(Italiano) Esposizione tele di Raffaele Collina

on the occasion of the exhibition dedicated to him in the same period at the museum of Villa Groppallo in Vado Ligure

(Italiano) Esposizione libri in edizione originale di Gabriello Chiabrera

On the occasion of the celebrations linked to the 470th anniversary of the birth of the Savonese scholar

(Italiano) Celebrazioni per il cinquantenario della morte di Giuseppe Capogrosssi

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his death, the Civic Art Gallery of Savona adheres to the initiatives promoted by the Giuseppe Capogrossi Foundation

(Italiano) Giornate Europee del Patrimonio 24-25 settembre 2022.

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days on 24 and 25 September, the civic museums offer free admissions and activities for young and old.