
(Italiano) Gli dei dentro di noi: laboratorio di arte espressiva per adulti

Starting from the works exhibited in the exhibition "Lorenzini sculptor of the earth. From Savona to the world", the Museum Educational Service organizes two workshop meetings.

Lorenzini Scultore della Terra. Da Savona al Mondo

At the Ceramics Museum an exhibition dedicated to the artist Sandro Lorenzini: this is the first public exhibition dedicated to the Savona master in his hometown since 1986.

(Italiano) Ripartono le attività del Servizio educativo museale

Con settembre riprendono le tante proposte del Servizio educativo del Museo della Ceramica: percorsi per le scuole, corsi di ceramica per adulti e bambini, laboratori di sperimentazione, formazione per docenti e molto altro.

(Italiano) Liliana Moro entra nella collezione permanente del Museo della Ceramica di Savona

On the occasion of the 18th AMACI Contemporary Day, Saturday 8 October the Savona Ceramics Museum inaugurates the new work by Liliana Moro, "In Pegno".

(Italiano) Trame ConCrete. Esperienze sensoriali a favore dell’accessibilità

The results of the ARTE project will be exhibited on the zero floor of the Museum of Ceramics: an exhibition open to all that reveals the potential of art in educational paths aimed at people with disabilities.

New opening hours

With the end of summer, the Savona Ceramics Museum changes hours with some important news.

(Italiano) Segni che uniscono. Online il catalogo

From the educational project "Signs that unite", which involved Is.For.Coop children with disabilities, a catalog full of photographs, quotes and stories on the genesis of the works of young people was born. Download the online catalog now.

(Italiano) Apertura straordinaria per Ferragosto

On Monday 15 the Ceramics Museum will be exceptionally open from 10 to 13.30.