New donations for our Museum

From antique Majolica ceramics from Liguria to contemporary ceramics from Enrico Baj: The Museo della Ceramica di Savona celebrates 6 new prestigious pieces thanks to generous donations, all from women!

Four of these pieces come from the history of art and museology collection of  Alessandra Mottola Molfino (ex-director of the Museo Poldi Pezzoli di Milano and director of the Cultura e Musei, Sport e Tempo Libero del Comune di Milano), whose family is originally from Liguria. They are all prestigious antique majolicas, one which still has its original label from the Collezioni d’arte di Sua Altezza Reale Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia (Art Collection of His Royal Highness Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy) , Duke of Aosta.

Donazione MottolaThe other two are instead works by Enrico Baj donated by his wife Roberta Cerini Baj, a donation that was included in the recent exhibition Baj, figure dell’immaginario, that the Museo d’Arte di Palazzo Gavotti dedicated to the maestro, working diligently alongside Cerini Baj herself to ensure the exhibition was a success. Her relationship with the museum and her appreciation for its work was what motivated her to donate two of her husband’s pieces. In a letter of thanks to Mrs. Baj,  the Mayor Federico Berruti stated that her generosity would “Enrich the public art collection with the works of an internationally renowned artist who made a fundamental contribution to the heritage of Albisola”. Cultural Minister Elisa Di Padova added: “These last two donations have confirmed the notoriety and importance of our public museums and in particular the Museo della Ceramica – an increasingly relevant reference point at both national and international level, both in terms of ceramics as well as contemporary art”.

For those who don’t know, this museum was founded thanks to one original donation: the antique majolicas from Liguria donated by Prince Boncompagni Ludovisi, which constituted the very first collections of the museum. This allowed a rich and invaluable historic-artistic heritage to become part of Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, thanks to the fundamental contributions from Fondazione “A. De Mari”, in synergy with other organizations that aimed to enhance the potential of the extraordinary nature of our local area.

Opening Times

Friday and Saturday 9.30-13; 15.30-18.30
Sunday 9.30-17
Monday 9.30-13

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