Artist’s competition: the winning project is by artist Anne Laure Sacriste

We are delighted to announce that 29 proposals from all over Europe were submitted in response to the call for artists for a residency recently promoted by the Lions Club Savona Host and Savona Ceramics Museum, each of which displayed considerable artistic and cultural merit.

The jury was made up of representatives of the museum’s scientific committee, Cecilia Chilosi and Matteo Fochessati, Museum Director Tiziana Casapietra and for the Lions Club Savona Host, Riccardo Zelatore, the current president Giovanni Grossi Bianchi and his successor Samuele Borreani. All proposals were studied with interest and the winning choice of artist Anne Laure Sacriste’s project was unanimous.

2016, Tableaux: Nature morte, Still Life, Centre d’Art Julio Gonzales, Arcueil. Installation view, Yoga mattresses, ceramic turtles.

Congruent with the competition’s aims, the project envisages the creation of 106 ceramic tortoises that will be made in collaboration with local ceramicists during the residency in Savona and Albisola.

For Sacriste, the tortoise is not only a symbol of longevity, good fortune and fecundity, but also represents an insistence that society reflect deeply on the theme of slowness. While belonging to the same family, the 106 multiples of the tortoise will also be unique pieces since each one will be decorated in a different way. Before being used for the Lions Club Savona Host’s social purposes, the works will be displayed all together at the Savona Ceramics Museum.

Among Sacriste’s most recent exhibitions, we would like to draw attention to  Orion Aveugle at the Vera Munro Gallery in Hamburg, Fukami — Une plongée dans l’Esthétique Japonaise curated by Yuko Hasegawa at Hotel Salomon in Paris and Toguna at the Palais de Tokyo, also in Paris. 

The jury would also like to give a special mention to Floriane Pilon for her project Fuselli which makes a connection between the way clay and fabric is worked, and to Stefania Galegati for her timely project on female sexuality, a subject which is still controversial today.

Savona, May 21st 2019


For more info:  — +39 340 9363059 — + 39 019 827724

Museo della Ceramica di Savona, via Aonzo 9, Savona 

Opening Times

Friday and Saturday 9.30-13; 15.30-18.30
Sunday 9.30-17
Monday 9.30-13

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