Ligurian ceramics in Europe

The staff of the Museo della Ceramica is actively committed to attract international attention to the artistic and cultural heritage of Liguria, as its treasures represent simultaneously an example of artistic expression and fine traditional craftsmanship, alongside being part of the local economic fabric.

Regione Liguria is the lead organisation for ArtisArt – Rete transfrontaliera dei mestieri artigianali (ArtisArt – Transboundary Network of Artisanal Handicrafts), a project financed under ALCOTRA 2007–2013, a transboundary cooperation programme signed by Italy and France. ArtisArt is directed to micro-enterprises, craftsman workshops and small and medium-sized businesses based in Liguria, Piedmont and Haute Provence.


The main objective of the programme is to promote the development of high-standards enterprise clusters and networks in the field of artisanal handicrafts. This will enhance not only the evolution of traditional artefacts, but also the professional development of the master craftsmen who work in the area along the boundary between Italy and France.

The project is lead by Regione Liguria, with the collaboration of Regione Piemonte, Conseil général des Hautes Alpes, Conseil général des Alpes de Haute Provence, Chambre de Métiers et de l’ Artisanat des Alpes de Haute Provence, Syndicat mixte Villages et Cités de Caractère and the Chambre de Métiers des Alpes-Maritimes.

In addition to the number of promotional events organised as part of the project, a set of specific actions aim to promote internationalisation among the enterprises and to support the development of the market:

  • the creation of an artistic craftsmanship network composed of small handicraft businesses and workshops based in the transboundary area and able to give a substantial contribution to the economics and cultural heritage of their country;
  • the mapping of the transboundary area with the goal of spreading knowledge and awareness of the presence of proper artistic craftsmanship “districts”, namely geographical areas where culturally and artistically relevant handicraft products have been produced for centuries;
  • the organisation of meetings between artisans based in different areas in order to share their techniques and production models;
  • the creation or reinforcement of production chains and sales networks;
  • the development of an “ArtisArt” website, hosted on the Portale dell’Artigianato of the Regione Piemonte.

ArtisArt is built upon the drafting of the Disciplinare di Produzione ArtisArt, a transboundary document stating the regulations defining and protecting the production process of all artistic craftsmanship activities and art professions based in the border counties of the partner countries (the Italian Liguria and Piedmont and the French Hautes Alpes, Alpes de Haute Provence and Alpes Maritimes).

The selection process of the enterprises taking part in the ArtisArt project is based on compliance with the requirements of the Disciplinare and the regulations of the International Charter of Artistic Craftsmanship.

The ArtisArt/ARCOTRA web site is available only in Italian and French.

Visit the dedicated website

Opening Times

Friday and Saturday 9.30-13; 15.30-18.30
Sunday 9.30-17
Monday 9.30-13

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