
Getulio Alviani
Albisola Superiore e Savona

In short

The project developed by Getulio Alviani (1939-2018) is part of the decades-old experimentation about Exact Art, of which the artist has been one of the most significant theorists. In 1965 his work took part in The Responsive Eye, an exhibition at MOMA in New York, which presented to the public an artistic research alternately labelled Optical Art, Kinetic Art, and Programmed Art.


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During the Biennale of Ceramics in Contemporary Art in 2006, Alviani submitted a drawing from 1964 to be printed on a rectangular ceramic surface, with one measurement double the other; a surface that is an exact positive- negative, white-black.
This surface, galvanised in this manner, may give rise to various combinatory assemblies and form very different textures that may not seem to consist of a single identical modulus.

Tensione by Getulio Alviani was made in Albisola (Italy) in 2006 during the 3rd Biennial of Ceramics in Contemporary Art.

Tensione is shown in room 13.


Ceramic tiles and photoceramics; h. 170 x 170 x 4 cm.
Manufactured by: Ceramphoto, Albisola Superiore; Alberto Viola, Savona. Attese Edizioni.
