Artist’s competition: the winning project is by artist Anne Laure Sacriste
Results of the competition for the artist residency in Savona (Italy) launched by Lions Culb Savona Host and the Savona Ceramics Museum have just been published. The selected proposal is by artist Anne Laure Sacriste.
(Italiano) Il Museo della Ceramica aderisce alla Giornata Internazionale dei Musei
(Italiano) Il Museo presenta “Connessioni in ceramica” e MUST lab
(Italiano) Martedì 9 Aprile 2019 si è tenuta la presentazione del progetto interdisciplinare “Connessioni in ceramica: dalle vespe vasaie alla stampa 3D” e di MUST lab, il nuovo laboratorio del Museo dotato di stampante 3D che unisce la lavorazione tradizionale dell’argilla alla sperimentazione legata all’utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali.
Networks in ceramic: from potter wasps to 3D printing
The multidisciplinary project which combines entomology, contemporary art, traditional ceramic work as well as scientific and technological research, will be presented on Tuesday 9 April 2019.
Call for artists
The Savona Ceramics Museum and Lions Club Savona Host invite interested artists to present proposals for works to be made in ceramics. All proposals must be sent by and no later than 30 April 2019.
(Italiano) A San Valentino torna un Museo per due
(Italiano) Nuova partnership per il Museo della Ceramica
A Tête-à-tête with paperweights and the brains of Alberto Viola
An interview without questions by Roberto Costantino