Art and music: Christmas at the Museum
Ligurian ceramics in Europe
The staff of the Museo della Ceramica is actively committed to attract international attention to the artistic and cultural heritage of Liguria, as its treasures represent simultaneously an example of artistic expression and fine traditional craftsmanship, alongside being part of its economic fabric.
The Ceramics Museum unveils itself to the city
Two events, one at Palazzo Civico and one at the museum itself, will officially mark the opening of the Museo della Ceramica on Tuesday, 16th December 2014.
Palazzo del Monte di Pietà: a unique restoration project
A fascinating exhibition arranged inside the ancient building which formerly hosted the Monte di Pietà of Savona. The building has now reopened its doors to visitors after a major restoration project.
Museo della Ceramica: a digital project
The opening of the Museo della Ceramica to the public also marks the beginning of a digital journey that will see the growth of web accessibility and contents throughout 2015.
(Italiano) Modulo di iscrizione al campo estivo “Art-Camp” 2021