
The exhibition “Lam et les Magiciens de la Mer” has been extended

The exhibition "Lam et les Magiciens de la Mer" has been extended until October, 9th 2023

(Italiano) Il MCZ a Savona: una raccolta fondi per riparare i danni dell’alluvione

L’alluvione del 17 maggio ha apportato danni notevoli al museo faentino: il direttore Matteo Zauli ospite del Museo della Ceramica di Savona per una raccolta fondi.

Open Call: Working with Rochester Square

An open call for enthusiasts, aspiring and expert ceramists: 7 workshops in two weeks in the company of the artists of Rochester Square in London. The works created during the workshops will be exhibited in the museum's autumn exhibition.

The summer camp is back in the name of art in the evocative museum spaces of the area

From July, 3rd to September, 8th the Ceramics Museum, the Civic Art Gallery and Casa Museo Jorn offer a rich calendar of recreational and artistic activities.

(Italiano) Public program. Lam e i maghi del mare

A summer dedicated to Albisola's international ceramics: the rich calendar of collateral events at the exhibition dedicated to Wifredo Lam and the "magicians of the sea" is online.

Summer opening hours

From June 1st to September 30th, the opening hours of the Ceramics Museum change to allow you to make the most of the long summer days (and evenings).

(Italiano) Mazzotti 120 Albisola: una project room dedicata alla storica fabbrica di ceramica albisolese

Un omaggio alla fabbrica di ceramiche Mazzotti di Albissola Marina, che quest'anno compie 120 anni di attività, con una sala espositiva al Museo della Ceramica.

Lam et les Magiciens de la Mer

From 2 June to 10 September 2023, Wifredo Lam, the leading Cuban artist of the 20th century, will be the protagonist of an exhibition hosted in the halls of the Ceramics Museum of Savona and the MuDA Exhibition Center in Albissola Marina.